
Stained Glass Rainbows – Streaming Release February 1, 2016

We are pleased to announce the streaming release for Stained Glass Rainbows!


Paladin Pictures announces the release of “Stained Glass Rainbows” a Kent C. Williamson film.

Charlottesville, Virginia – February 1st, 2016 – Now available for streaming on Dish, Google Play, Vudu, Shaw, Amazon Prime, and Vimeo On-Demand.  Also available to own on DVD.

An important and … Read the rest

movieREVIEW: What the Reviewers Are Saying… February 3, 2015

What are the reviewers saying about Stained Glass Rainbows?

Hollywood Jesus Logo

“Stained Glass Rainbows is exceptional…”

“a must watch movie which will likely do more to engage conversation than raise tempers and create argument than any film on this subject ever done.”

“Stained Glass Rainbows has one perspective it is consistent with throughout the film, that is, all people, are loved by

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Stained Glass Rainbows, ©2015 Paladin Pictures, Inc.