
Crossing the Rainbow… a reflective review of Stained Glass Rainbows December 10, 2016

Here’s a nice article from Salvo Magazine by Terrell Clemmons about Stained Glass Rainbows…

Crossing the Rainbow: Reflections at the Intersection of Christianity & Homosexuality

Kent Williamson was about eight years old when a friend who’d come over to play asked him if he wanted to suck his “naughty bit.” Or would Kent let the friend suck his naughty bit? … Read the rest

movieREVIEW: Stained Glass Rainbows – Reviewed by Amos Lassen December 26, 2014

Stained Glass Rainbows was recently reviewed by Amos Lassen, a gay man who is pretty conflicted about the film. By conflicted I mean that in the review he calls the film “bogus” (actually he uses the word in his subtitle three times “bogus, bogus, bogus”) but then in his opening paragraph he says the film is “new, fresh, and exciting … Read the rest

Stained Glass Rainbows, ©2015 Paladin Pictures, Inc.