
SOUNDbite… Robert Gagnon September 27, 2011

Here’s a quote from the Stained Glass Rainbows interview with Robert Gagnon in Pennsylvania…

“All of us experience immoral sexual impulses on a regular basis, but not all of us are engaging in adultery. Not all of us are committing incest, bestiality or same sex intercourse, so these are issues over which the church really does have to draw Read the rest

SOUNDbite… Jonathan Ervin September 23, 2011

This quote comes from our Stained Glass Rainbows interview with Jonathan Ervin in Virginia…
“I remember telling my parents… that I had been infected with the HIV virus. And I will never forget my dad looking across the table at me and he just looked square into my eyes and said, ‘Sin bites, doesn’t it, son.'”
– Jonathan Ervin… Read the rest

SOUNDbite… John Westcott September 19, 2011

This quote comes from our Stained Glass Rainbows interview with John Westcott down in Florida…

“It would have been easier, which is horrible to think, that it would have been easier for me if my father had been dead than to be there, because his silence was more painful than his absence would have been.” 
– John Westcott… Read the rest

Stained Glass Rainbows, ©2015 Paladin Pictures, Inc.